Saturday, October 17, 2009

Helford Hospital Finally

We are finally there. My mom (Pat Patton) has start her Chemo for the transplant. She start on Thursday and will get Chemo very day until Tuesday and then they will admit her. She will be admitted on Tuesday and get settled and then they start the major doses of Chemo and other medications to prepare her to receive the transplant. Then she will get her new T-cells. The day she gets her T-cells is day 0, then we count up for there until day 100. Then we celebrate her home coming.

She will be at Helford Hospital at City of Hope. She will be there through most of the major Holidays. She is allowed visitors and would love to have them. There are guidelines there to protect the patients. Please visit the link post to the right side under visitation guidelines.
She did get more good news the results of the biopsy showed that the cancer in her bones has dropped to 10% down for 90%. Yeah!!!!! So we are starting off very good.
Will write more later thank you all.

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